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Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move... or Dumb Idea?

We've all heard the advice to "hire people smarter than you," often echoed by luminaries like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. Yet, in the real world, deciding to bring on someone who challenges the status quo can be a nuanced choice. Factor in the human insecurity element, and it's even more complicated.

Or... is it? The truth is, hiring someone smarter than you can illuminate your weaknesses – and ultimately help you and your team achieve success. And that's a good thing, whether it's easy to accept or not. Read on as we offer tips for effectively managing brilliant minds and highlight the impact this kind of hire can make.

Benefits of Hiring People Smarter Than You

Is it easy to make the decision to hire someone smarter or more well-qualified in a certain area than you? No. Is it a wise decision? Yes – here's why.

It Fosters Innovation and Audacious Goals

Leaders who surround themselves with brilliant minds open the door to innovation. A Leadership IQ survey revealed that only 29% of employees believe their leaders are always open to using external ideas, highlighting the potential for growth when embracing fresh perspectives. Moreover, audacious goals, often pursued by smart individuals, can propel a team forward, as evidenced by the fact that only 33% of managers actively pursue audacious goals compared to executives.

It Avoids Costly Hiring Mistakes

Research from the Harvard Business Journal emphasizes the high cost of bad hiring decisions, which can contribute to up to 80% of employee turnover. Denying a role to a brilliant candidate due to personal insecurities can be a costly mistake, both financially and in terms of missed opportunities for organizational growth.

It Enhances Problem-Solving and Productivity

Smart employees bring diverse skill sets and perspectives, leading to more effective problem-solving. The experience of companies like Evernote, where CEO Phil Libin realized the importance of trusting his team's expertise, highlights how hiring smarter people can alleviate the burden of micromanagement and boost overall productivity. Libin accepted that his employees would be better at their jobs than he could ever be – and that micromanaging would only turn them away.

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Tips for Effectively Managing Smart Employees

Managing high-performance, intelligent employees presents its own set of challenges and nuances. Here are some tips on effectively managing smart employees:

  • Create a supportive environment. As a leader, your role isn't micromanager – it's facilitator. Provide a supportive environment that aligns with your employees' skill sets. This entails ensuring they have the necessary tools and opportunities to excel without unnecessary hindrance.
  • Embrace authentic leadership. Authenticity and integrity are paramount when managing intelligent individuals. Avoiding a façade and being genuine about your expectations fosters trust and creates a positive working atmosphere.
  • Recognize and appreciate contributions. Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your team members. A simple act of gratitude goes a long way in motivating and retaining intelligent employees who seek validation for their efforts.

The decision to bring on someone smarter than you involves navigating (and overcoming) personal insecurities and embracing the potential for transformative outcomes. Smart employees contribute to innovation, problem-solving, and organizational growth. Effectively managing them requires a shift in leadership style towards authenticity and support – and it leads to successful outcomes.

Find Smart People With a Staffing Partner

Hiring intelligent people – including those smarter than you – is a good idea. But attracting and hiring these individuals can be easier said than done. That's where your staffing partner comes in.

: Find the A-level candidates you need to fuel your team’s success. Call Banner Personnel Service today to get started!